Monday, 2 February 2009

'Time Out favourite' / Short film on the National Gallery website / Latest projects

During the DLA Film Festival in November/December, Time Out magazine had a few notes on the festival programme, and 'Ceci n'est pas une mouche' (This is not a fly) was mentioned as a 'Time Out favourite' in the shorts programme!

All the short films from the 'Transcriptions: Animation' project are now on the National Gallery website on

The project I worked on at Partizan Lab, a promo for the song 'Violent and Young' from the band Iglu & Hartly, is now out. I animated some of the smoke, bullets, muzzle fire, and also the shadows on the characters. This was done in Flash and After Effects, while the main animation was hand drawn:


messytimbo said...

hey man. wow your film has had some great exposure!

hope your keeping well, we need to go life drawing soon and catch a beer or something.

Daniel M.C. Alvite said...

parabens carlos
ate na time out vc saiu,,,
que chique hein..
good one

Daniel M.C. Alvite said...

fiz um trabalho aqui e um ali,,,nada de muita coisa..
no momento to de volta no bird studio para mais uma balada arquitetonica...isso ai,,,fazemos qualquer negocio para pagar as contas..
pode deixar que se eu sober de algo.